dari angan-angan tercipta mimpi... dari mimpi mula mengorak usaha..dengan izinNya,usaha membuahkan jaya... .

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

NLP : follow the money lane....

yeiha....yes, I've found a good HOWTO / Step-by-Step to set your Paypal account, this is the link of AndyKoo http://addykho.com/payment-gateway/open-paypal-account-malaysian/

and howto link paypal to Malaysian account :

thanks guys..easy to follow....

Question: What do you want? How to start?

Sunday, 4 September 2011

NLP : The Adventure - Gold & Silver makes me quiver

the 5th Syawal already....phew....nak gi beraya dah petang dah ni, hubby ' orang mengantuk dapat bantal' kiddies asyik ngan Boboboy or Upin & Ipin.....mommy buka blog la jawabnya.......

well, the adventure begins with my 'order' of getting RMXXXX.XX every month, easily, effortlessly, halalan toyibban.

What comes after serunding? where is the money pit? where to start? Saw advert on Maybank Gold Account, which allows you to start the saving by minimal of 1 gram of gold.......

The links:
the most credible banks in Malaysia:



pic from: http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/01/at-least-10-states-have-introduced-gold-coins-as-currency-bills.php

tanya diri : apa yang anda betul-betul inginkan? (what do you really want?)