dari angan-angan tercipta mimpi... dari mimpi mula mengorak usaha..dengan izinNya,usaha membuahkan jaya... .

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

next step..follow the yellow brick road.........(Wizard of OZ)

The exercise of GOP, teach me several information that is hidden :
our VC is indeed a very VISIONARY person. By following the GOP team , he wants us to:
   - understand the meaning of Entrepreneurial University
   - doing 'business' in non-profit org, learn the value of money, and appreciate and be grateful with what you    have now... 
   - think innovatively & set your creativity free.......
   - a practice to find FUTURE LEADER.......FUTURE INSPIRING figures.....
   -  a practice to get-to-know at which level is  the team working spirit of you and your team mate 
    - REALLY know the true colors or your team of your-so-called friends/ co-workers/ peers.....


I also would like to salute my supporting staff spirit, Mr K and my senior, Miss Kay, you are my inspiration...I can see your doing your best to achieve this.......

pic: ratemyfunnypictures.com

Q: What will your determination be? 
Q: Are your determine enough to achieve what you really want?

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

from zero to wooho.......about blogging

yikes.........before this, i care less about blog whatosonot, after  practising LOA, NLP, I've created more than 1 blogs already.......what does this journey takes me?!?!?!?!

see what's coming next, but the best part is, I've braved myself to share the knowledge with others......

Saturday, 3 December 2011

from Invisible to INVINCIBLE.....

As I browse through the reading shelves, IMPACT! attracted my attention. Never bump into her books before, but as an ardent practitioner of LOA, I believe this book is one of the 'attraction' that beckons me :-)
below is the review I've found from the net, at this moment I only manage to read those she highlighted in the box..pity me.....

Impact! is a 'total person' development guide that says 'who you are impacts everything you do'. It doesn't focus on what's wrong with you but rather what's right with you so that you can turn your potential into performance. The secret to success and fulfillment-both professionally and personally-is that you should stop trying to 'fit in' and become what others want you to be; that you can become more productive, powerful, and passionate by becoming more of who you were meant to be instead. Why? Because no longer is there any separation between who you are and what you do!
With step-by-step strategies and smart insight, you will learn how to have significant positive impact in your life and in your career; you'll learn how to unlock your personal power; live your life with purpose; appreciate your family; identify your greatest gifts and talents; value your failures and learn from them; stand up for yourself; give yourself permission to stand out; and start to ask for what you want. Best of all, you will learn how to be seen, heard and celebrated for being authentic - for being exactly who you are.

Serious advice for women who want to live passionate, successful, and happier lives at home and professionally
Shows you how to re-engage with yourself, figure out what you want and why you want it, and take charge of your career and life
Author Nancy Solomon is an expert in the field of personal development and human potential
The key to Impact! lies in knowing yourself intimately, leading your life from the inside out, and using your strengths to become happier and more fulfilled. Impact! shows you who you are, where you're going and how to get there. It also helps you to get out of your own way!

Nancy D Solomon link :www.nancydsolomon.com/

Q: What impact do you really want to have in your life?

Q: Could you describe the impact you've made so far?