it has been a very long time since my last visit to this blog......what was my adventure ladies and gentlemen?!?!?! baaaaanyak....among those:-
1) received an invitation of honour from my Datuk VC to represent UTM to IIUM...masya allah, only 7 of us.......and being acknowledged from time to time during the visit by my VC.....TQ Allah for the opportunity and TQ Datuk for the long awaited recognition.....awesome....
2) gearing up to get my PhD very,very soon...insya'allah....found the supervisor-to-be, insya'allah, Dr Nana & Mr Nizam, thank you Leha for introducing me to Dr Nana.....
3) recognition as among the experts in my organization....allahuakbar..thank you Allah, and thanks again to Datuk VC, Prof Safaai & Prof friends, Hj Anuar for being very supportive, Aslnda , K Lin, Zurin for listening to my bubbly stories.....
4) new ventures,new friends, new IM sifu., new opportunity..nice to know u Amirol...will contact u very soon..insya'allah...thanks to Ghaz too for answering my question
5) visit to NUS & NLB, S' insight..........
6) my researchsupport blog is getting good respond..alhamdulilah...
6) last but not least, TQ my darling hubby for your support, mom & dad for your du'a, my cecomel babes and my bibik for helping me out......
love u all, thank you, thank you.......thank you Allah for the Bless, the journey, the challenge and the grateful feelings......may all the superb adventures and superb money pits rolling to my lap....amin....
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1) received an invitation of honour from my Datuk VC to represent UTM to IIUM...masya allah, only 7 of us.......and being acknowledged from time to time during the visit by my VC.....TQ Allah for the opportunity and TQ Datuk for the long awaited recognition.....awesome....
2) gearing up to get my PhD very,very soon...insya'allah....found the supervisor-to-be, insya'allah, Dr Nana & Mr Nizam, thank you Leha for introducing me to Dr Nana.....
3) recognition as among the experts in my organization....allahuakbar..thank you Allah, and thanks again to Datuk VC, Prof Safaai & Prof friends, Hj Anuar for being very supportive, Aslnda , K Lin, Zurin for listening to my bubbly stories.....
4) new ventures,new friends, new IM sifu., new opportunity..nice to know u Amirol...will contact u very soon..insya'allah...thanks to Ghaz too for answering my question
5) visit to NUS & NLB, S' insight..........
6) my researchsupport blog is getting good respond..alhamdulilah...
6) last but not least, TQ my darling hubby for your support, mom & dad for your du'a, my cecomel babes and my bibik for helping me out......
love u all, thank you, thank you.......thank you Allah for the Bless, the journey, the challenge and the grateful feelings......may all the superb adventures and superb money pits rolling to my lap....amin....
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